Zucchini & Squash Blossom Frittata

I am calling this a frittata, but it could also be a "breakfast casserole", because I have no idea what else to call it.

This was so good, I had to post it.

Each summer, I ask my Italian American friends if I can have some squash blossoms from their garden (a pure delight) for stuffing and frying.   

This year, I decided to plant my own damn zucchini in the little garden space that I have!

Well, happy days......I have zucchini and the fiore di zucca!  (the blossoms!!!).

Now people can ask ME, if they can have some squash blossoms.  ;)

If you can get your hands on some fresh picked fiore di zucca, please make this beautiful dish.   
It is excellent warm or cold, we even ate it on sandwiches the next day.

I also think this dish was so delicious because I had just picked the zucchini and the blossoms and used local fresh eggs.   I used just local tropea onions with their thick green tops, but of course I don't expect you to have that variety, you can use scallions and yellow onions instead.  

Here is how I made it:

1 large zucchini, sliced
1 large onion, sliced (I used tropea onions)
big handful of chopped scallions (I used the greens from the tropea onions!)
4 squash blossoms, stamens and stems removed (we are only using the petals)
1/3 cup of crumbled feta cheese
6 eggs
4 oz. cottage cheese
breadcrumbs for the top (optional, but makes it crunchy)

In a heavy skillet, heat some olive oil and cook the zucchini slices until golden, add in the onion slices halfway thru, so they are done at the same time.

In a large bowl, mix the eggs, cottage cheese, feta and scallions.

Once the zucchini & onions have cooled down a bit, add that mixture to the eggs.

Pour into a greased casserole dish and decorate the top with fanned out fiore di zucca petals.  

I also sprinkled some of my homemade breadcrumbs around the petals (not on top).

Bake 350F for 30 minutes until puffed up and golden.

Absolutely delicious and beautiful.



Katie C. said…
I love that you made the blossoms look like sunflowers 🌻

-Katie C.