Peach & Speck Pizza
It's time to rejoice when Jersey peaches are in town.
I love the smell of a ripe peach on my counter.....and to bite into a perfect peach is just heaven.
I overbuy at the farmer's markets and have to come up with ways to use the fruits before they rot!
So a peach pizza it would be. You heard me right.
This is not like pineapple on pizza, which is so odd for east just doesn't seem right.
But since I put peaches on a pizza, maybe it is?
I stole this idea from Bruno Pizza in NYC.....since we will never be able to get in the place (hottest place in NYC right now), I figure why not try and recreate it at home.
A little sliced fennel, fresh SMOKED mozzarella, speck (smoked prosciutto) and thinly sliced peaches, all drizzled with sea salt & olive oil then baked in a super hot oven.
I used Naan bread here, but use any flatbread or pizza dough you like.
I baked my pizzas for 12 minutes at 400F (but if using fresh pizza dough, raise the oven temp).
This is one of the best combinations....don't be scared. It sounds weird, but it is anything but.
I still vote NO pineapple on pizza. :(

and spinach. Loved it! Wil try this. Thanks.