Leftover Potatoes? Make Cheesy Potato Pancakes

No, it's not Hanukkah. These are not latkes (the lacy grated potato pancakes).

These are fabulous little cheesy potato pancakes made w/ leftover potatoes from last night.

Mashed potatoes work best, but here I just mashed the leftover cooked potatoes w/ a masher!

I added sauteed onions, 1 egg, parsley and some shredded cheddar. That's it.

Season w/ salt & pepper if you didn't already season your potatoes last night.

Make little balls with your hands and fry in a non-stick pan with some olive oil.
1 minute on each side.

Voila! These are delicious little treats and great served with a fried egg.



Bebe said…
My frugal Mother always made what she called “potato pancakes” with leftover mashed potatoes. Some finely chopped green onion. An egg. Delicious.

She’d have liked these… I think we will, too.