hashtag #instasalads Cucumber & Lentil w/ Feta & Dill
It seems that social media has taken over my life.
I have a food blog, I post on facebook, I am on instagram constantly.....thankfully, I do not "tweet".
All this social media takes up a lot of time.
Somedays I feel pressured to get a great recipe together, then take the photos, then instagram the pic to tease you, then write out the actual recipe and get the post together to publish.
If you have noticed, I only post 4 days a week now, instead of 5. After 7 years, it's just too much.
It is very time consuming, and mostly, a thankless job. I hope I never run out of ideas!!
I post my lunch (or Henry's lunchbox) everyday on instagram, hashtag #Henry's Lunchbox, and #instasalads.
Here is one of my insta salads, that takes no time to put together, especially if you use a can of Goya lentils!
Insta Salad: Cucumber & Lentil w/ Feta & Dill:
1 can of Goya lentils, rinsed and drained (I swear, they are so good)
1 large cucumber, sliced on a mandolin, lengthwise
spring mesclun salad mix
1/4 red onion, shaved thin
handful of dill
handful of crumbled feta cheese
splash of white balsamic vinegar
zest of a lemon
olive oil
sea salt & pepper
Mix all ingredients lightly together and drizzle w/ the oil and vinegar.
Sprinkle the feta cheese on last.
This salad is best served right away, or the cukes get soggy!
hashtag #delicioushealthy!

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