Traveling Appetizer: Shrimp w/ Feta, Lemons & Olives
The next time someone asks you to bring an appetizer to the party, make this.
It's so simple, and delicious.
You can also make it at home in a glass bowl if you are not traveling to a party........
I got this genius idea from Lori Lynn's blog.
Here's how to make it:
Place cooked shrimp in a zip-loc bag (I clean my shrimp, tails left on, and boil 3 minutes, then plunge into ice bath).
Add in lemon slices and good hunks of feta cheese.
Throw in dried oregano and lots of red chili pepper flakes.
A squeeze or two of fresh lemon juice and good fruity olive oil.
Let the shrimp marinate in the time you are driving to the party!
Keep the olives in a separate bag so they don't darken the feta cheese.
When you get to the party, take off your coat, dump out the shrimp and lemons into a pretty bowl and top with kalamata olives.
Voila! Once again you are the star of the party.

It really is a great appetizer!
I got a chuckle out of your instructions to "take off your coat"...haha, that part doesn't occur to us here in SoCal!
Lori Lynn