More of the Same....Paris


Once again, not much time to post, just a collection of photos from the last few days.

We are on our way to London on the high speed train, so will write again later.

I woke up to this delicious quiche w/ broccoli and salmon.

Yes, I ate the whole slice on the terrace.

We walked 7 miles yesterday in the 81F heat, we trekked to the Jardin du Luxembourg, my favorite spot in all of Paris in the 6eme. Always the most gorgeous floral displays and comfy green metal chairs to park your derriere to catch some sun and people watch.

French children are amazing to watch. They are independent, skating along with their mothers or nannies behind them. Always adorable, well behaved and well dressed.

Must be something in the water.

I'm in my happy place. :)

Bonne Weekend!


Anonymous said…
I don't envy the restaurant meals, or all the booze, but I could live at the 'quiche department' very happily ever after. Oh that salmon & broccoli slice!
Anonymous said…
Speaking of boring... ever try a new hairstyle? Perhaps you will find inspiration while mingling with all the classy French chicks.
Bonnie L said…
Love your travel posts! We've been to Paris 14 times in the last 16 years. You either "get" that or you don't. Don't care; we love it! Keep the "boring" coming!
Jodie said…
really? your hairstyle? what a miserable troll that person is.
can you say JEALOUS?

I love your Paris posts! Keep em comin'!
Thank you for sharing your travels with us.

Stacey Snacks said…
How funny! I didn't realize I even had a hairstyle!
Marty said…
Just happened to read the comments on this post. Did someone really mention your hairstyle? I love your hairstyle. OMG how snarky people can be.
Deborah Carter said…
I can't believe what I just read! It's very easy to make a personal attack on someone while hiding behind the cloak of anonymity! Well, it prompted me to write something, when I haven't previously.

Enjoy Paris! I'm living vicariously through your comments and photos. Thank you for sharing!

BTW the champagne grapes cake recently, looked gorgeous. I must try it!
Deborah - Melbourne, Australia.
Patsy said…
Speaking of jealous....I've tried to wear your "hairstyle". Wish it looked as good on me as it does on you. You're a very pretty person, inside and out, Stacey.
Keep 'em coming Stacey. I always enjoy your travel photos. Walking seven miles will certainly inspire an appetite.
Your hair style is perfect for you and you look every bit as Parisian as the rest of the ladies in France. Don't fret over jealous people.
MIL said…

Just read the letters on your blog.
Can't believe anyone would make a comment about your hair.... unless it was complimentary!!
Oy vey!

I know you'll be upset when I tell you the weather here has been great.
No rain - sun - not much humidity..

As you stroll the streets of Paris
think of us occasionally... we're thinking of the two of you and know you are having a GREAT time.
Natalia said…
Looks like you are having a wonderful time Stacey & I am living vicariously through you and your Paris trip.
Love your Paris posts and your hair style! Have fun!
xmasmorning said…
Stacey -Why would you want to look like a Parisian, or anyone else for that matter when you are beautifully you! Thank you for the life inspiration that you deliver to my e-doorway every morning. Your attitude and insights are amazing.
Rebecca said…
And you mentioned how well behaved the French kids are- looks like anonymous could use a lesson! What a loser. You're gorgeous inside and out PLUS anything but boring!
SarahBTT said…
Anyone can write an anonymous obnoxious comment about a hairstyle but it takes a person of tremendous strength to let that comment be posted and to take it in stride! Anonymous clearly doesn't know from "classy chicks."