What's for Lunch? Chicken Salad in Avocado
I love avocados, because they are good for you in every way.
High in potassium and fiber, and vitamin C. Filled with protein and creamy goodness.
Read here for all the facts.
You must squeeze lemon juice or sprinkle kosher/sea salt on them to wake them up.
Smeared on toast in the a.m., or stuffed with cottage cheese, they are part of my diet almost daily (half only, because there is 22 grams of fat in a whole large avocado).
Today's lunch was chicken salad made w/ leftover roast chicken from last night.
Add a little Dijon mustard (1/8 tsp) with some Hellman's mayo, cilantro, salt & pepper.
Halve an avocado and squeeze some lemon juice over.
Spoon the halves with the yummy chicken salad and enjoy!
Lunch is served on the stump.

Ever thought about moving to California, Stacey? You would love owning your very own avocado tree. Your post brought back fond memories of my previous residence in Pomona. My housemate had planted a Fuerte avocado tree in the yard, along with a lot of other fruit trees. During the season we used to have sliced avocados with our breakfast almost every day. With all the opportunities for experimentation, I also turned guacamole almost into an art form during that time. Sadly, my partner decided to sell the Pomona property towards the end of the last housing boom (2006), and that was when I relocated to San Bernardino. I heard later that the new owners had cut down most of the fruit trees, including our beloved avocado tree. Sacrilege!
@Anonymous: If you have access to them, key limes are also wonderful with avocados, especially if you wait for them to become fully ripe. That's when the skin turns from green to yellow, although the flesh on the inside is still a pale green. The flavor at that point is sweeter and more "floral" than with standard Persian limes.
I'm not sure where you live, but again this is by California standards. Bear in mind that we are somewhat spoiled here, when it comes to citrus as well as avocados.
I've been following your diet the last few weeks, the best I can, making your fresh salads and other goodies, and adding avocado to my diet.
I am happy to report I have lost 8 lbs! There is something to this healthy, good food eating.
Thank you so much for the inspiration, I am so enjoying your blog daily.