I'm Alive.


I am here.
Alive and well in New Jersey.

We have a tree laying on our roof which split in half, then totaled our neighbors new car, no power and no heat, however, we are fine.

I am at a mobile hot-spot so am able to type this post.

Thank you so much for all the nice emails of concern about our well being.
I am truly grateful to have such great readers as friends.

We found a bar last night (my favorite pizza place) that was open for business, so don't worry, we are able to eat and drink like normal.

I'm sure by now you have seen the devastation to lower Manhattan and its surroundings, and my beloved Jersey shore. It's going to be a rough road back for so many people, but New Yorkers are resilient.
We always come back STRONGER.

Think of 9/11 and how the city and its people rallied together to make the city an even better place than it was to begin with!

New Jerseyans are even a tougher breed (just look at our Governor). We will rebuild and make it better.

It sounds so cliche, but as long as you have your health and good friends and family, you'll be ok.

Try not to sweat the small stuff in life (like damaged cars and trees!), there are bigger things going on around you and happening to other people that you may be able to help out with.

Focus on the POSITIVE. (I sound like a life coach, sorry).

I promise to be back in the kitchen on Monday, even if I have to cook by candlelight and you have to watch me make grilled cheese on my stove!

Thanks again for all the emails, be safe out there!
xo Stacey

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Gourmet Goddess said…
there is only word for this whole disaster that I can use and that is "apocalyptic" ..... it is hard to comprehend its magnitude .

glad to hear you are safe , people will rally and the community will find itself again .

take care
Katie C. said…
Ouch! That must have been REALLY scary when it came down. It's still pretty scary! Be safe. If you have a cooktop at least you have your hot beverage of choice. Personally, without my morning tea, I'm a bit of a grump.
Carole said…
Oh, Stacey, I am so sorry, but as you said, houses and cars can be fixed. As long as you and yours are fine and healthy, all will be well. BIG hugs for you.
Anonymous said…
So sorry to see you got hit by Frankenstorm. We REALLY dodged a bullet here in Central NY. We barely got so much as a breeze where I am. I hope you weren't home when that tree fell. That would have scared the crap out of me if I was there and heard that! Hopefully they won't find too much damage when it's removed. As someone who was affected by Hurricane Katrina, you're absolutely right - don't sweat the small stuff. It can all be replaced, but you can't!
kat said…
Glad to hear you are doing ok. That tree looks a little scary though!
I'm glad you are OK, Stacy! The devastation in so many areas of NJ and NY is unbelievable. We were incredibly fortunate not even to lose power in my neighborhood of Brooklyn.
So glad to hear you are okay. We've all been worried about our friends. You are so right about not sweating the small stuff, even if it's a new car. It is easy to replace, you aren't.
Randi Lynne said…
I am so glad you posted letting us know you are okay. Great perspective. :-)
Joanne said…
I'm so glad you're doing okay girl!!
lisa is cooking said…
So glad you're doing ok! Hope your power and heat are back soon. That big, broken tree looks scary. Thank goodness it didn't cause more damage than it did.
Erin in PA said…
So glad to hear that you and your husband are safe and sound. Cars and house roofs can definitely be replaced. We had a lot of wind in PA, but nothing like NY and NJ. I am so sad to see the beaches of LBI so devastated, but thankful that most people are going to be OK.
Unknown said…
So glad to hear that you are okay Stacey! I almost feel bad that the storm was a non-event for us here on the uws. Please let us know if there's anyway we can help, and we will keep all of NJ in our thoughts!
Foodiewife said…
You are resilient, that's for sure. Look at you, promising to keep the blog going. That's dedication. I'm counting my blessings, and glad you survived. That really is all that matters. The rest can be fixed.
Christine said…
So very happy to hear you're okay and in one piece! Thank you for letting us all know. Can't even envision (even with all the news photos) the level of devastation. My heart goes out to everyone affected.
Lisa said…
So happy you are OK and things weren't any worse.
So missed my fix of Stacey Snacks this week! Take care, having no power is the worse.

And....what a grilled cheese sandwich that will be! Glad you and Henry were out and about for pizza and wine. Yes, the Jersey shore. I have so many fond memories of Ship Bottom. Amazing footage on the news. Was happy to hear you are okay.
TheJimBar said…
Stac and Henry, glad you are OK. You are spot on with how what happened is just a small bump in the road. Our home was flooded out with with Irene and we are back and stronger. Nothing like what the shore folks are going through. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Glad Nicky was open for you. Stopped there yesterday for a K1 on the rocks and a bar pie. Through this whole thing we never lost power so our house has been the safe haven for all our friends who have been put out with Sandy. Lots of good food and wine all week. See you soon.
Jim and Karen
Mollie said…
Glad you are safe! please stay safe and take care.
Ann from IL said…
This is good news to know you are o.k. I am sickened by the photos and news coverage....it makes me cry! Your positive life coach post is all true. Hugs to you.
Marie said…
So glad you are fine - and especially unscathed by the tree. It looks huge. Hang in there xox
Sheri W. said…
Glad you are okay! I live on the northern Gulf Coast so I've been through a couple of hurricanes. It is a pain to say the least but when you think of what other people are going through it just seems trivial. Glad you are making the best of the situation!
Anonymous said…
As a fellow new jerseyan, I share your sentiments. Seeing your blog when I can (no power) brightens my day. With the support of community and friends we will get through this difficult time. By the way where's the pizza place you talked about in your blog..I would look forward to having a drink and slice there too, when this is all over. Stay safe!
Ciao Chow Linda said…
Stacey - brava to you for sharing such a positive attitude amid all the destruction. You're so right - nothing matters except that you are alive and well. And I LOVE that you and Henry still got out to enjoy a meal out. You two know how to live.
Lori Lynn said…
Hi Stacey - I've been thinking about you. My friend Susan in Colt's Neck is OK too, no water, power, downed trees, but alive and well. My thoughts, prayers, and best wishes for a full and speedy recovery are with you everyday. You guys back there are sure tough! And I have no doubt that you will come back stronger.
Your friend in LA,
Lori Lynn
Anonymous said…
I am so glad to read that you are safe and sound, not to mention cheerful. And btw, since I stumbled across you a few months ago, I've been working my way through your cauliflower recipes. Thank you! It's a wonderful blog!
Anonymous said…
I am so glad to read that you are safe and sound, not to mention cheerful. And btw, since I stumbled across you a few months ago, I've been working my way through your cauliflower recipes. Thank you! It's a wonderful blog!
Vicki said…
I had the oddest reaction when I saw your post title, 'I'm Alive.' I started to cry. I don't even know you, but I don't really know anybody on the East Coast and somehow it personalized the Sandy destruction for me. We're West Coast and it was 101 degrees-F here today mid-afternoon, with hot-dry winds blowing. How can I complain about the heat after watching TV news reports and images of the East Coast decimation, our hearts going out to all of you guys back there...I guess your post just unplugged the well of uneasiness about Mother Nature, global warming and whatever is going ON for Pete's sake. I hope you can all get back to some kind of normalcy soon; famous last words, but if you can at least get electricity, you'll probably feel a stress reduction. Stay warm with full tummies; really glad you're safe.
Anonymous said…
Good Morning,
Just read your Blog again. Nice photos of all your dishes. I use to live in Jersey many years ago I thank you for the photos of N.Y.C.
I have family who still live in N.J. so I understand all the hardship many have been going thru.
Many years ago I work at 140 West Street in NYC. I was very surprised when I seen some of the devastation.
There right; "A picture is worth a thousand words". Thank You again for your enjoyable blog. It makes my coffee smell even nicer. I keep it in My Favorites.