I'm Alive.
I am here.
Alive and well in New Jersey.
We have a tree laying on our roof which split in half, then totaled our neighbors new car, no power and no heat, however, we are fine.
I am at a mobile hot-spot so am able to type this post.
Thank you so much for all the nice emails of concern about our well being.
I am truly grateful to have such great readers as friends.
We found a bar last night (my favorite pizza place) that was open for business, so don't worry, we are able to eat and drink like normal.
I'm sure by now you have seen the devastation to lower Manhattan and its surroundings, and my beloved Jersey shore. It's going to be a rough road back for so many people, but New Yorkers are resilient.
We always come back STRONGER.
Think of 9/11 and how the city and its people rallied together to make the city an even better place than it was to begin with!
New Jerseyans are even a tougher breed (just look at our Governor). We will rebuild and make it better.
It sounds so cliche, but as long as you have your health and good friends and family, you'll be ok.
Try not to sweat the small stuff in life (like damaged cars and trees!), there are bigger things going on around you and happening to other people that you may be able to help out with.
Focus on the POSITIVE. (I sound like a life coach, sorry).
I promise to be back in the kitchen on Monday, even if I have to cook by candlelight and you have to watch me make grilled cheese on my stove!
Thanks again for all the emails, be safe out there!
xo Stacey
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glad to hear you are safe , people will rally and the community will find itself again .
take care
So missed my fix of Stacey Snacks this week! Take care, having no power is the worse.
Jim and Karen
Your friend in LA,
Lori Lynn
Just read your Blog again. Nice photos of all your dishes. I use to live in Jersey many years ago I thank you for the photos of N.Y.C.
I have family who still live in N.J. so I understand all the hardship many have been going thru.
Many years ago I work at 140 West Street in NYC. I was very surprised when I seen some of the devastation.
There right; "A picture is worth a thousand words". Thank You again for your enjoyable blog. It makes my coffee smell even nicer. I keep it in My Favorites.