HURRICANE FOOD: Chicken Breasts w/ Smoked Ham & Mozzarella
This will be the best fast food you will ever eat, and if you're on the east coast, and Hurricane Sandy hasn't knocked your power out yet (don't worry, she will), make this tonight.
Hopefully, you have already gone to the supermarket to get supplies, like fresh mozzarella and jars of tomato sauce (oh yeah, batteries and milk too).
2 things that are key to making this dish the best.
SMOKED prosciutto (also known as speck), Trader Joe's sells it in the package now (some German name, not Italian), and use FRESH mozzarella, not the shredded block stuff. Fresh basil leaves are also key (that's 3 things now).
I always have some good jars of tomato sauce on hand in case of emergencies (like hurricanes, because my gas stove always works with lighting the pilot by hand) and my herbs are still very alive on the driveway. Sandy will take care of that by tomorrow.
If your stove is working in the storm, make a pot of spaghetti and serve this over pasta.
If you are stuck inside eating bowls of cereal the next few days, then make this next week for dinner, when I've given you more time to prepare.
But if you are reading this, then maybe your power is still on.
Chicken w/ Smoked Ham & Fresh Mozzarella: (serves 4)
package of 4 boneless chicken breast halves (not the thin type)
2 fresh mozzarella balls packed in water
4 basil leaves
your favorite tomato sauce from a jar (I like Victoria Marinara)
4 slices of smoked prosciutto (speck)
Pour some tomato sauce in the bottom of a gratin dish.
Lay the chicken breasts on top of the sauce.
Pat the mozzarella balls dry and slice them into rounds. Lay 2 slices of cheese on each breast and top with a basil leaf. Season with a pinch of sea salt & pepper.
Now top with a slice of smoked prosciutto. Grind some more black pepper on top.
Bake in a 400F oven for 30 minutes. Serve over linguine or spaghetti.
Now that's fast and delicious.
Eat by candlelight, and stay safe.
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Tonight will be pork loin roasted with bacon and sage.
This dish is amazing. Hope you remembered to eat your ice cream before the power went out :)
Just dropping by to say hello and hope things are improving and you'll be back soon. Everyone is in my thought and prayers.