Corn & Zucchini Saute

Here is yet another dish made with local produce. This is a great side dish showcasing New Jersey local corn and my zucchini.

I make this at least once a week with the beautiful zucchini and tomatoes from my garden (I buy the corn).

I like to use my cast iron skillet for this dish because the zucchini and corn seem to caramelize when you let them sit in the pan undisturbed.

Zucchini & Corn Saute:

3 ears of freshly shucked corn
1/2 pint of cherry tomatoes, halved
2 zucchini, sliced thin
3 cloves garlic
handful of fresh basil
handful of fresh parsley
handful of fresh chives
kosher salt & pepper
olive oil

In a large 12" skillet, preferably cast iron, heat the olive oil and start with the zucchini. Try not to move them around for the first few minutes so they can get a nice caramelization on each side.

After about 5 minutes, add the corn and the cherry tomatoes along with the garlic to the pan and season with kosher salt and pepper.

The saute will take about 10-12 minutes to finish. The last minute of cooking, throw in the fresh herbs, and voila! you are done.

Yummy stuff.


I am loving the fresh jersey veggies too. I'll have to try this combination. Happy summer!
Great combo! Never thought of putting corn and zucchini together for a dish. Thanks for the tip!

- allison
Anonymous said…
looks like mush.
Stacey Snacks said…

Thank you for your comment. If you have nothing nice to say, then shut up.

It's not mushy at all.

Eileen said…
I was telling a friend about all of the zucchini I have, and she makes something very similar to this. I have all the ingredients, so it's on my menu this weekend!
Joanne said…
What a delicious summer veggie side dish. PS - I liked your response to anonymous up there. Doesn't look like mush to me at all!