Sowing the Seeds: March Community Garden

Yes, it is March. Still grey, still winter. It is cold. The trees and ground are bare, but what better to do on a Sunday morning than shovel manure at my hopeful community garden.
This is our 2nd year at the Community Garden. Last year I just picked the fruits of my husband's labors (actually vegetables), but this year I am actually going to get involved with the growing of the fruits too.

We pay for 4 small plots (sounds like a cemetery), and Sunday our goal was to till the soil, plant some seeds, and mulch the beds to get ready for spring. My job was to cover the paths with wood chips. I can do that.

I am not really sure what the idea of "community gardening" is supposed to be.
Are we supposed to work like in a commune? Do we share our produce with one another? Should we say hello to our gardener neighbor, or just look away? We pay for our plots, keep it organic (no weed killer, Roundup, chemicals, etc.). No ornamental flags, bird feeders or wind chimes allowed and keep that gate closed!!! (I wonder if I can bring a boom box and play music? highly doubtful).

We signed up because we really want to grow our own vegetables and we just don't have the room on our property at home.
There are tons of RULES and REGULATIONS here, as goes with any "community" thing, and lots of emails with announcements and mandatory meetings and volunteering to be done, and if not done by specific date, death by electrocution will result.

Why do some of these folks seem so miserable? It's vegetable gardening, people!
I was yelled at twice today by a "nice" old lady who said "PLEASE KEEP THE GATE CLOSED, THE RODENTS WILL COME IN!!!!". What rodents? Like a rodent can't slip thru a chain link fence.

But m'am, I am toting a heavy wheel barrow filled with wood chips back and forth, please take pity. Not a chance. Keep the damn gate closed.
At least our plot is next to Mr. Googootz this year. I am hoping he will give me some of his wonderful Italian vegetables (so I don't have to "borrow" them).
I will be having a weekly progress report on the garden, so I hope you will come along with me. So far, my garlic is coming up! Though I don't expect a thing to happen for another month or so, but I am hopeful.

Who knew shoveling SH*T could be so enjoyable?
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What a lovely way to start the day !!! You and Henry are doing a great job and will reap huge benefits from your beautiful garden.
I to am in the middle of getting veg plots ready for spring gardening in the uk. Very nice blog keep up the good work.
What are brothers for.