It's That Time Again: Paris/Provence

I know some of you are as excited as I am!
It's September, time to eat and drink and take in the sites of Paris.
Our annual trip to my favorite city (second to New York, of course).
This time, not only are we staying on the left bank (creature of habit), but we are going to sunny Provence for the first time. Taking the train midweek and staying in Aix-en-Provence.
Of course I will keep you posted as much as possible.
I've brushed up on my French lessons and am ready and armed!
"Je voudrais un verre de vin rouge, s'il vous plait".
"Ou sont les toilettes, s'il vous plait?"
("I would like a glass of red wine" and "where are the toilets please?").

P.S. You'll love Aix. Their Thursday flower market is fabulous.
I am trying to give you a heads-up on French speaking! Have fun. Aix is beautiful; don't forget to eat calissons!