Good Ideas: Eggs Baked in Bread Bowls

Remember the 80's when every party you went to had a spinach dip served in a hollowed out bread bowl? (I know, some of you were just born in the 80's!).
Well, here is yet another blog sensation which I have seen all over the internet, much like my eggs baked in bacon baskets. I liked Julie's idea of sprinkling cheese on the bottom of the roll and adding fresh herbs of your choice.
There is no real recipe here, just an idea.
I took some brioche rolls and hollowed out the middle (save the insides to make breadcrumbs).
Put about a tablespoon of grated Parmesan cheese on the bottom of each bread bowl.

Now crack an egg into each bowl and sprinkle with whatever herb you like. I used fresh thyme leaves.
Sprinkle with sea salt and black pepper and place bowls on a baking sheet.
Bake at 350F for about 20 minutes until the eggs are set.

If you like a runny center (like I do), then bake for a few minutes less.

Loved these cuties!

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I haven't had spinach dip in pumpernickel bread in forever! I was overdosed with it well into the 90's.