Eating WELL in the New Year & a Giveaway

Happy New Year!
Try and read thru the end of my ramble (or skip to the last paragraph, there is a great giveaway!).
Since the beginning of Stacey Snacks almost 3 years ago, I have broadened my horizons and opened my eyes to new ways of eating and cooking.
I have always loved to cook, and eat.
As a kid, I used to read the Better Homes & Gardens Cookbook (the one w/ the red & white checkerboard cover) at night in bed, and jot down notes on what I would like to prepare for my imaginary dinner parties when I grew up.
Since reading food blogs, I have opened my eyes to new ethnic foods & their cultures; about the "SLOW food movement"; sustainable farming; cooking what is in season from my local farmer's markets; and have become a better cook, all from people like you, who have an interest and love for food.
I had never heard of ramps, fiddlehead ferns, ghee or scapes before reading food blogs.
(I truly could have made it thru life without knowing about or trying them!).
I am now more AWARE than ever about chemicals and additives in foods.
I NEVER eat fast food or prepared foods.
I ALWAYS read labels.
I TRY and buy my meat (especially sausage & ground beef) from a local butcher or organic farm when I can, and am really trying to eat less of it.
and the most important thing: I only eat REAL foods.
This means, I don't eat artificial foods such as, diet sodas or anything processed with sugar substitutes (no Splenda or Nutrasweet).
A good example of an artificial food: NO FAT POTATO CHIPS made w/ OLESTRA (is that even still on the market?). Who wants to eat chips that give you diarrhea? Sure, you'll lose weight that way!
I realize that not everyone has the time to bake their own bread, but you can certainly find a whole grain bread at the supermarket that is high in fiber, 100% natural and good for you.
No excuses.

We live in a society where people feed their kids chicken fingers or a hot dog every night for dinner.
My mother was a pioneer in the 70's, even if she wasn't a good cook, she always wanted us to eat a healthy meal.
She never bought junk food, and we always had a balanced meal of vegetables with a salad as well as a baked potato and an animal protein.
MODERATION is the key. I love a hot dog, who doesn't? But it should be a treat.....not a daily meal.
Hey, I am going to die of something, but I just don't want it to be a disease that I could've controlled thru what I put into my body.

I will never be a vegetarian, but I love this saying by author, Wendell Berry, from The Pleasures of Eating:
“Though I am by no means a vegetarian, I dislike the thought that some animal has been made miserable in order to feed me. If I am going to eat meat, I want it to be from an animal that has lived a pleasant, uncrowded life outdoors, on bountiful pasture, with good water nearby and trees for shade.”
It's a nice thought.
There must be a reason that so many Italians (living in Italy) live well into their 90's.
It's probably because they buy their food from local markets daily and eat a ton of vegetables mixed in with their meats and poultry.
(and I am sure that glass of red wine everyday doesn't hurt!).
Here is a comment from Mark Bittman's blog from Mario in Italy (not Batali), he says:
“ Just a comment from the other side of the ocean (Italy). I am always a bit puzzled by the U.S. attitude toward food. Here you seem to distinguish between healthy/non-healthy foods judging on the calories content. Well I would rather look at the quality of the fat content and the amount of chemicals inside. If it's good and with a lot of calories, you just eat it in reasonable quantity. ”
So true!
I am certainly not preaching and I don't claim to be a nutritionist (though I play one on t.v.)....but it's good to just be AWARE.
You are in control of what goes into your body.
This is also how I maintain my weight, give or take 5 lbs. No diet sodas or products that trick your body into craving more crap.
OK, I have spoken. Now I will shut up. Thanks for listening and thanks for teaching me so many new tricks these past few years.
For 2011, I am giving away 2 copies of the beautiful Ottolenghi Cookbook. Though I have never visited their establishments in the U.K., I am in love with their beautiful cookbooks Ottolenghi and Plenty. They know how to do vegetables and meats right.

Post a comment about how you are eating better and healthier this year and 2 winners will be randomly chosen on Jan. 6.
Have a Happy and HEALTHY New Year!

Amen. Great, inspiring message. I believe I'll take it to heart. Happy New Year! We took a year off from the "annual" party - way too much going on. But it will return next year. Steve
We too are trying to eat local and be particular about the foods we eat. Quality more than quantity is the guiding light when we choose. We are both exercising more and concentrating on our health.
Lovely give-away Stacey. One of my new year's resolutions is to eat more vegetables.
I have learned a ton of new flavor combinations from your blog. THANKS!!
I am trying to convince my wife to go "Veggie" as she says for an entire month. It'll force me to come up with new recipes and maybe she'll appreciate a more moderate portion of protein in the future.
Anyway keep the recipes coming. I love trying them.....
Have a wonder, Healthy New Year!
I love the "Food Sign" and will have to make one. As my son says when he cooks, "I know everything that's in it!" Happy New Year Stacey. Look forward to your posts.
Another goal is to do a better job of "influencing" my husband to cut down on the fatty meats, chips and diet sodas that he indulges in between meals. He's getting better but still has a long way to go!
I've been a devoted fan of your blog since day 1 and look forward to your upcoming creations! Happy New Year!
1. i emptied every single pantry and the entire fridge. i am only putting in fresh sustainable ingredients that i will use daily.
i have a shelf call TRY IT. I even labeled it with my label maker.
Everyday, I will try something
in the new or healthy or find a great recipe to broaden my horizons.
today is brussel sprouts, tomorrow is swiss chard... etc... green week!!is my theme...
new beginning... to a new year...
this year i will try to be better at eating less desserts (sigh chocolate croissants)!
Your column should be in the Times Dining section Wednesday.
Excellent advice and so true.
Your blog is educational, beautifully photographed , well thought out, besides bringing delicious recipes into so many lives - so easily.
Thank you.
Clean and colorful eating is on my agenda for 2011!
I plan I eating Rez pizza every Friday if I can.
On the same field as you. If it's cooked fresh, it's healthy, all in moderation.
I have Plenty & Ottolenghi on my wish list.
Happy and HEALTHY new year!
This year I have vowed to only eat meat or fish about once a week. I think everything is ok in moderation so I don't feel that it is completely necessary to give up.
I decided to focus on veggies for 2011 as somewhat as a cleanse for my body. Im just tired of feeling so weighed down and heavy after certain meal (steak! but its my fav)
As for eating better and healthier, I don't buy any processed foods at all. Unless things like mustard and mayonnaise are considered processed? Only fresh fruits, veggies, and meats. My one resolution is to buy local more often.
Two years ago, I too gave up drinking diet soda and eating anything with artificial sugars. Over the course of the two years, unbelievably, I shed 10 pounds. So much truth into diet soft drinks making you crave more sugar. I love your blog!! Thanks so much for putting your time and energy into each day. Happy New Year!!
How will I eat better and healthier in 2011? By keeping my good old habits, and keep reading your inspiring posts for more dinner ideas!!
Happy New Year!
I have almost removed all artificial foods from our family's diet. 2011 brings with it a renewed zest to live wholly, to enjoy food, cooking once again. To discover new sauces and cheeses, to create dishes my children will devour and to enjoy eating it all well. Simply enjoy. Simply eat.
I have almost removed all artificial foods from our family's diet. 2011 brings with it a renewed zest to live wholly, to enjoy food, cooking once again. To discover new sauces and cheeses, to create dishes my children will devour and to enjoy eating it all well. Simply enjoy. Simply eat.
We eat real food each and every day. We don't treat fast food as a treat, so much as a stand in meal when I've been super busy and haven't had time to cook anything, but that only happens a couple of times a year....and we never ate fast food for dinner as kids, it was always meat and three veg as we called it.
Too many people rely on fast, chemical laden food as a staple, rather than an occasional meal and use the excuse that it's cheaper. It isn't, not when your health's concerned.
Thanks for all your great recipes through the year. Can't wait to see what's in store in 2011.
Discovering blogs has been a true delight for me. I've learned so much about food, it's preparation, and so many great ideas and recipes. Your blog was the first I found, and still is the first I check every day!!
I'm looking forward to 2011...more recipes, more interesting ideas, more new cookbooks to's all good. Happy New Year!
also, i'm making my own salad dressings for my husband and I. and i'm continuing to food blog, it keeps me accountable to what i'm putting in my family's body! all in moderation is the key to happy and healthy eating. but you MUST define moderation before you sit down to the table. :-)
love your blog!
i love your food blog stacy and make your "snacks" all the time! thanks for sharing :)
I plan on eating more fruits and veggies and consuming less sugar. Also, less food waste is a constant goal of mine.
Thanks for the chance.
I am married with a 3 year old son. Eating healthy and staying healthy is a high priority for me. I meal plan every week, shop and meal plan according to season, at farmer's markets when I can and love sneaking in lots of veggies for my very picky eater. We are on a tight budget but I believe in sacrifing other luxeries like going out to movies or taking trips for eating well and healthy everyday and walking! Novel concepts, ha!:)
Thanks again,
Dennee LA
Please enter me in your giveaway!!!
Happy New Year to you,
Hoping to turn my husband from his daily fix of Rice and Gravy....
What an inspiring message for 2011!
Like you, my mother was ahead of her time when giving us healthy meals every day. She was an R.N. by education so every meal was based on the 4 food groups (of the 1950s). At dinner we had a salad, even if it WAS iceburg lettuce. She put an apple in our lunch bag daily (which I tossed and wish I hadn't). Even today, my mother at age 83 is healthy, looks great (no wrinkles), takes aerobics and yoga and eats even healthier than 50 years ago. After watching the film, "Food Inc" I was repulsed at what happens to animals from farm to table. I have never and will never eat veal after seeing the calf-size white boxes at local farms where the calves stand in their own waste. Read Michael Pollen's books about eating sustainably, seasonably and locally. As he says, "if your great grandmother didn't cook with it, don't eat it". I eat organic meats, including Bison, which is great. We grew up in the "Tasty Cake" territory, close to the Philly factory but we only had their pies in our lunches occasionally. Never chips or sodas. The only time we ate a McDonald's was when my father was in charge during my mother's annual Girl Scout camping week end. Imagine us asking him to flatten his wonderful burgers like McDonald's when he grilled! I admit I was a Taco Bell addict but several months ago, I got sick on their pizza. It was rancid. When I complained, they said no one else had issues, wouldn't give me a refund but promised coupons for future food (like I want to eat there again!) - and which I never got. The Mediterranean food choices work for a reason - garlic, olive oil, red wine, lots of veggies. As someone trying to control my Type II diabetes and my cholesterol, those choices are very important. 3 oz of red wine with dinner helps to increase your HDL (healthy) chol, as does garlic, olive oil and a couple of Tablespoonsful of walnuts in your salad, oatmeal, etc. Happy New Year and Happy, Healthy Eating. Lisa
Tonight we are having Chicken adobo - again. I can't get enough of it, and how many times I've had the brussell sprouts with grapes I cannot count.
I am fortunate to spend most of my time in Montana, where my beef comes from a cow in a neighbor's front yard, my five dogs - 2 Great Danes, 2 Newfies and a Leonberger are fed a raw diet that I prepare for them, and last year I constructed about 1000 square feet of raised beds in order to grow nice green things for the pups and me.
Once again, thank you for your daily blog. I love it....Happy New Year!
Another important thing is to try and east what is IN season as much as possible. If it isn't in season it had to travel a long way to get here and is most likely NOT as fresh as it could be. This also ties into sustainability... crop rotation, etc., and not wasting fossil fuels to move food from a place where it shouldn't be in the first place to a place it shouldn't be in season. OMG... I'm sounding like a liberal... forgive me! :^) It's just common sense.
bridgestranslation at yahoo dot com
I discovered my local farmers market last year, and after reading Barbara Kingsolver's book about local ingredients, have really been paying attention to what's in season. It is also great to get to know those who grow your food!
My new year's resolution is to eat local and better!
I am going to drink more water and get more "outdoor" excercise :)
Thank you!
My food goal for 2011 is to make as many children AWARE about the food they are eating as possible. Maybe, just maybe... the children can teach their parents.
For me personally, I plan to judge myself less, enjoy more, worry less and savour more slowly the moments as they come....
Happy new Year Stacey! Thank you for all the posts and inspiration!
happy new year!
Margaret from B.C.
In a nutshell , food is about choices and the right choices will allow us to live a long and healthy life. Give a child a chicken nugget and hot dog every day of their lives ( because it is easy and quick) then that is all they will want to eat . If you are going to give them chicken nuggets/fingers - make them yourself - there is plethora of excllent and easy recipes in the blogger-sphere.
Sometimes children will surprise you with what they actually like to eat - I nearly fell over when my girls from the ages of 4 and 7 could not eat enough grilled asparagus or portabello mushrooms - who would have guessed ???
I could go on and on ..... you have given me inspiration to write something similar on my blog as well .
Moving forward I will continue to make healthy and satisfying meals for my family , venturing to try something new every so often . I may take longer than 30 minutes to cook something - but as my children always say to me ..... " it is yummy mum because it is made with love"
I enjoy your blog and recipes .
Happy New Year !!!