Good Ideas: Mustard Salad Dressing

I get annoyed at people who don't recycle.
What's the big deal?
The town picks up our newspapers, bottles and cans every Thursday morning, it's free, and all you have to do is put the stuff at the curb, so why not TRY and do something that MIGHT help the environment?
I don't drive a Prius or anything like that, but I feel that recycling is the least I can do to help my state's D.E.P. dump less "stuff" in our landfills, and NJ has a few of them! (Hey, have they found Jimmy Hoffa yet?).
I have this creepy neighbor (doesn't everybody?), who does nothing to help the community.
He doesn't vote, he doesn't recycle, and his wine bottles are overflowing in his garbage cans.
Should I say something? or should I be nice and take his bottles out of his cans and put them in MY recycling?
Nah. Karma will get him some other way.
Isn't this a salad dressing post? Stacey, can you stay on track?
This is really about how I recycle this silly French mustard jar.

When there is a little less than a tablespoon of mustard left in the jar, and you know you are going to have to work hard to get it out, I have found a new life for it.
Mix a few shakes of your favorite vinegar in it, and some olive oil.
I like a few flakes of Maldon sea salt and some black pepper.
Shake it up in the jar, and you will have salad dressing all week.
A mustard vinaigrette works well on most greens and salad combos.

I add some minced shallots and chopped fresh herbs to it sometimes. The jar never gets totally empty.
I hope I don't get salmonella poisoning, but so far, it's been about 2 years and I keep adding to it!

I do that too, if the jar is cute enough, I use it to bake custard.
along the curbs and sidewalks.
Some of it falls from the recycling containers but some of it
The salad looks awesome.
I'm glad the neighbor doesn't vote, sounds like he couldn't be bothered to research the candidates or issues.
I happen to have a wonderful neighbor next door to me. She's always cooking and sharing and laughing. I'm just lucky I guess.