Grilled Salmon w/ Lime-Ade

grilled salmon3

Here is a simple marinade for delicious grilled salmon (adapted from Culinate).

What the heck is Lime-ade anyway?

I had to look it up, it's a frozen concentrate sort of like lemonade. If you can't find it, use Rose's Lime Juice, or fresh lime juice w/ honey instead. I used Rose's.

equal parts of:

Rose's Lime Juice or Lime-Ade
Soy Sauce
Olive oil

4 cloves garlic, minced
2 Tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped
2 lb. Wild Salmon filet
salt & pepper

Marinate the fish for 45 minutes in a glass dish.

Sear on a hot grill, flesh side down for 2 minutes, then flip over and cook another 10 minutes.

Salmon has a tendency to stick to the grill, so I now use non stick foil to cook my fish, and the fish comes right off the grill without any effort.

Simply delicious.


Ciao Chow Linda said…
We're big salmon lovers here too - and I like the idea of a lime marinade. Sometimes I put the fish skin down on the foil and when the skin sticks to the foil, it's easy to scrape the fish off the skin for a nice skin-less filet.
tasteofbeirut said…
I love your recipe because the limeade is strong enough to claim a good portion of that flavor from the salmon; I don't adore salmon like most people so I like lime flavor better!
The JR said…
We eat a lot of fresh large mouth bass. Bet this would be great on them too!
kat said…
Oh that sounds great for summer & I have some line juice & some salmon in the house!
Ann said…
Are limeades a southern thing? I grew up with them in Virginia: fresh squeezed lime juice, simple syrup, flat or fizzy water and lots of pellet ice. YUM!
Pam said…
I was just telling a friend yesterday that I need to cook more salmon... this recipe looks perfect.
Carrie said…
This looks so delicious! ?Great blog!
christina said…
Fantastic! I can't get frozen juice concentrates where I live, but I *do* happen to have a bottle of Rose's Lime Juice. Never occured to me that it could be used in cooking. Yum.
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Anonymous said…
If the grates are hot (500F degrees or higher) and the fish is dry with just a touch of high temp oil (like canola, safflower or peanut, etc.)The fish or other meat won't stick when the proteins are cooked or "seared" If you want to ensure you aren't having troubles, grill smaller portion size pieces that fit a single spatula.

Some grates, notably the stainless steel rods or wires, will transfer heat rapidly and are problematic when it comes to any type of grilling. I prefer to grill with either cast-iron or porcelain coated cast-iron grates.

I was taught this by one of the marketing folks at Alaska Seafood Marketing - using a 15lb side of Copper River Salmon - he placed it flesh side down on the hot grates and left it alone until he could use the tongs to lift it just a bit and the sear marks were releasing from the grates. Seriously - this does work!
Cherine said…
I love salmon and I love this recipe!!
I've got a bottle of Rose's (used for gimlets - yum) in the bar right now just waiting for me. With the garlic, soy and rosemary, it sounds fantastic. Thanks Stacey for another winner to add to my files for salmon.

We had steel head trout last night and it was very similar in appearance and taste to salmon. It think it should work too.
I think your lime juice would be better tasting than the limeade anyway, good substitution MS. Stacey!