Let's Do Brunch

What is brunch anyway?
It's really lunch but you are allowed to serve breakfast foods and drink booze.
What time should you serve brunch?
11 a.m. would be a good time, but it's too early for my kitchen, so noon is better.
Bloody Mary's are also better at noon. For some reason it's more acceptable to have a cocktail with brunch, but not so much with breakfast.
An egg dish is always nice, maybe a strata or French toast. Fruit, salads, and an entree. Don't forget cake. Cake is always a good thing to serve at brunch. Yes, cake.

Oh yes, and let's not forget a big pot of coffee. I think that's the most important element of brunch. Have to have coffee.

I hosted a birthday brunch last weekend for a friend, and served Ina's Provencal Potato Salad with Italian tuna.

I made an easy frittata with leeks, teeny asparagus spears and Jarlsberg cheese.

Bloody Mary's with tabasco, horseradish and cilantro (and vodka of course).

Yummy datenut bread and sliced fruit.

It was definitely nap time after that meal (and the afternoon drinks!).

How I wish we could grow tulips but the deer would lap them up immediately.