Forbidden Pleasures: Bacon Wrapped Grissini

I have probably had this recipe in my recipe box for 12 years & have never tried it.
I was invited to a cocktail party and asked to bring an hors d'oeuvre, so bacon wrapped grissini it is.
I experimented with making these a few different ways. The first time I baked them on cookie sheets, but found they burned on the bottom and also the breadstick part broke during the baking process.
The 2nd time I baked them, I perfected the recipe by breaking the grissini in half and wrapping them with only a half slice of bacon instead of a whole slice. They were much easier to eat in the smaller size. I also baked them on a baking rack, so the bacon grease could drip onto the cookie sheet.
If you like bacon, then these are for you, and who doesn't like bacon?
Grissini are thin Italian breadsticks. I used the rosemary flavored ones, but I don't see why you couldn't use regular, thicker breadsticks, they would just be heavier.
Bacon Wrapped Grissini:
package of sliced bacon, (I used Smithfield hickory smoked), slices cut in half
1/3 cup of light brown sugar
3 tbsp of good chili powder (should have cumin, salt in the chili blend)
box of Italian Grissini (long skinny breadsticks) broken in half
Mix your light brown sugar w/ your chili powder in a long bowl, large enough to be able to roll the breadsticks. Press out lumps with back of spoon.

Starting at the top of your grissini half, roll your half slice of bacon around the grissini, leaving enough room at the end of the breadstick to have a handle.
Dip and roll each bacon wrapped stick in your sugar mixture until coated.

Lay coated breadsticks across a rack on top of a cookie sheet with sides, so the bacon grease drips out.

Bake 25-30 minutes at 350 degrees.
Cool on the rack for 20 minutes. As they cool, the sugar will caramelize and the sticks will harden.
These are great with wine and cheese.

This one the students could do, and have fun eating them...although they all would want 'Ranch' to dip them in, lol
I bet everyone was happy you were invited too!
They look like they would be a hit at a party or get together. Gone in 60 seconds.....
I posted a link to your blog entry and was wondering if I could post a photo of the finished product (with credit of course)
check it out.
BACON RULES - my nickname amongst friends is the bacon queen of queens.