Sexy Saturday Night Roast Chicken

This chicken was too special to be my usual Friday night roast chicken, so I will reserve it for Saturday nights only, when chickens feel sexy and like to get dressed up.
I make the same boring, but delicious roast chicken every week.
I usually stuff the bird with fresh herbs, a quartered lemon, and rub with olive oil, sprinkle liberally w/ kosher salt and pepper.
Roast 425 for 70 minutes.
Well last night, I was feeling feisty!
You know I love to clean naked chickens. I know, I am weird.

So to be a bit decadent, I stuffed prosciutto and sage leaves under the skin of a 4 lb. chicken, then massaged olive oil on top and sprinkled kosher salt over the skin.
Sounds erotic, doesn't it?

It wasn't.

Throw a lemon in the cavity and roast it the same way as I usually do. 425 degrees.
Let rest a few minutes before slicing.

This chicken was over the top. So succulent & juicy, served with those oh so sexy, roasted little white trees (cauliflower!).

I should think of spiking my own posts with saucy vocab. That and namedropping the Martha Stewart bombshell for some reason.
I actually can't stand handling naked birds! Eeewwwww!! Two Thanksgivings ago I was trying to be all brave and make my first Turkey and it turned out to be a disaster...I had a BIG naked turkey in my sink all day and was calling around to family and friends crying (yes really, I know) for someone to come to my rescue (no one came!) until my husband arrived home to me freaking out about it...I then proceeded to instruct him on what needed to be done from the living room! lol I was so completely grossed out and will never attempt it again...seeing your pics and reading your sexy poultry porn I can surprisingly handle just fine though!
Thanks for spicing things up this dreary monday morning!
That is sexy. Your post would be blocked on my work computer.
Your chicken looks yummy.
Sounds tasty! Great pics! Thanks for sharing!
Have you ever tried Ina's recipe where you slice the roasted chicken over croutons which then soak up all the juices and fat? Talk about sexy. Whew!