Did You Know This?

I received this in email this week.
Some useful information, in case you didn't already know.
If you did, then you are way smarter than me!
(Don't you even try and act like you already knew this, either.)
I had to go into the kitchen and check this out for myself. Whoever looks at the end of your aluminum foil box? You know when you try to pull some foil out and the roll comes out of the box. Then you have to put the roll back in the box and start over. The darn roll always comes out at the wrong time.
Well, I would like to share this with you.
Yesterday I went to throw out an empty Reynolds foil box and for some reason I turned it and looked at the end of the box. Written on the end it said, Press here to lock end. Right there on the end of the box is a tab to lock the roll in place. How long has this little locking tab been there? I then looked at a generic brand of aluminum foil and it had one, too. I then looked at a box of Saran wrap and it had one too! I can't count the number of times the Saran wrap roll has jumped out when I was trying to cover something up.
I'm sharing this with my friends. I hope I'm not the only person that didn't know about this.
Your #1 Fan -- EllenB
PS: Love your blog, and I read it faithfully.,
I am impress! Thanks.
this could be their new ad campaign!
I wanted to thank you for posting this "Public Service Announcement".
I shared it with my 92 yr old friend last night as we were making candy in her kitchen. I wish you could have seen her expression! And she ran her own cafe for 25 years...and this was something she had never known! So, thanks from both of us!!!
tomorrow im off to the supermarket to check all the foils available.
thanks for the info.
I found a link to your site on sybermoms.... they thank you too!
Thank you so much! It works for FreezerPaper as well.
Greetings from Germany,
rolls eyes...
pardon the pun...
Seriously, the tab isn't anything special, it's for the dumb average person that can't just squeeze the box itself...
thanks for the hot tip!!
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Really people should be more aware of issues like this, however, it's little tricks like this that make us believe we've discovered something 'smart' :(
I can't believe after so many years I never looked at the end of the box!
OMGoodness I have had times with seran wrap....
At first I thought I knew what u were gonna say.....then you surprised me!! I had just finished a roll of foil this morning and ran to get it out of the trash, yup the tab was there.....checked in pantry for plastic wrap, yup its there.....wow, this is gonna be life changing!! ;)
Why I wonder
Instant 'my box has these!'