Onion Tart: "O" Foods for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Marie from Proud Italian Cook inspired me to make a dish that starts with the letter "O" because September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.
Marie is a great blogger who has a huge following. She lost her mom when she was 9 years old to this disease, so it is an important issue to her. ALL women should have regular breast and gynecological screenings yearly. Don't put it off, like my mother yells at me, "DO IT ALREADY!"
Here is my onion tart, for Marie & Michelle at Bleeding Espresso who is having a contest for bloggers making recipes beginning with the letter "O" to bring attention to this deadly disease.

This recipe is always a winner. I make it as a side dish in the cooler weather, or for lunch with a salad.
I make Martha Stewart's pate brisee recipe, which is easy and very good. This time the crust came out a little hard, almost like a cookie, and I am not sure why, though it still tasted good.
I added fresh rosemary to the dough, because a reader on Martha's site suggested using fresh herbs, and I really liked it.
I always cry when I slice onions, and I have found a new trick! I wear sunglasses now when I am cutting up onions in quantity. It really works!

Stacey Snacks Onion Tart:
~ 1 uncooked pie shell (Martha's pate brisee recipe)
~ 4 large onions, sliced thin
~ 4 slices of slab bacon, cubed (you can use any bacon that you have)
~ 3 tbsp butter
~ 4 eggs
~ 1 cup of heavy cream or half & half
~ 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
~ salt & pepper
Start by cooking your bacon until crisp. Remove when finished and transfer bacon to a mixing bowl. Drain bacon fat out of pan, and melt butter in the same pan.
Cook your thinly sliced onions on medium-low heat (do not brown them) for about 15-20minutes, until transluscent in color. Add your onions to the bacon in the mixing bowl.

Now make your custard by whisking together your eggs and cream, salt & pepper & nutmeg. Pour this filling into the onion mixture and combine ingredients.
Pour mixture into pie shell and bake about 45 minutes in a 375 degree oven.

This is so simple, the only time consuming task is making the pie dough, which has to chill in the fridge for at least an hour. But you can do this ahead and freeze the discs, so you always have 2 on hand!
Serve with a nice frisee salad w/ mustard dressing. Yummy!
You certainly can cook the onions in the fat, but I find it a bit too greasy for me! But I am sure it will taste even better!
xoxo, Marie
Please note that to be eligible for the contest you must copy and paste the entire text box from one of our announcement posts (including the contest rules and ovarian cancer facts) into this post.
Thanks so much for participating!