Not My Mother's Brussels Sprouts

Ok, I would be lying if I told you that my mother was a good cook, or that my mother even cared a little about food. She even forgets to eat sometimes. That's how unimportant food is to her. No salt, no flavor, no taste, and that's the way she likes it. So, anything I write about her cooking is no secret, and she would never be insulted.
Growing up we ate only frozen vegetables. I remember thinking that vegetables only came in the red & white Path Mark boxes & bags. I didn't know that fresh vegetables came from the earth. So, you can imagine as a kid having these ugly, round, smelly, disgusting, mushy things called Brussels sprouts on our plates.
This is when I learned to use the gag reflex.
Years later, at our favorite casual restaurant in lower Manhattan called Lupa, I decided to give Brussels sprouts another try. They were roasted to perfection, sweet & nutty, served in little bowls w/ shaved Pecorino Romano cheese on top, served room temperature. Even my Brussels sprout hating husband loved them! So, I have adapted the recipe and make them all the time now. They are nice to serve with meats or antipasto as a first course.
My mother would be proud!
Roasted Brussels Sprouts:
Cut Brussel sprouts into halves and discard outer leaves. Toss w/ good extra virgin olive oil (I like Frantoia), & kosher salt. Roast on heavy jelly roll pan at 400 for about 20 min. until they start to brown. Don't throw away the burned leaves, they are yummy. Place in small bowls around the table, and shave a good Parmigiano Reggiano or a sharp Pecorino Romano cheese on top. Serve room temperature.
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JS - "Best Customer"