Mixology 101: Blueberry Cooler
When I grow up, I want to be a MIXOLOGIST.
Wouldn't it be cool if you told your parents that you were changing your major to Mixology 101? Is there such a course offered these days at universities? If not, there should be. The world needs less lawyers and more mixologists.
Definition of Mixologist from the tutorgig online dictionary: a cheerful bartender who is able to make any cocktail. Now who doesn't aspire to be that?
Summer seems like a great time to try refreshing cocktails & libations. My husband & I experimented this weekend with muddling fresh blueberries & mixing with vodka. After many attempts to find the perfect blueberry cooler, here is what we came up with.
You can change it up a bit as to how you like it (more or less vodka, ginger ale vs. 7-Up, etc.)
Muddle a handful of fresh blueberries at the bottom of a glass by pounding them with a pestle (or wooden spoon). Add a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice to the blueberries. Add 1 part Stoli Blueberry vodka (or any other vodka you like), to 2 parts 7-Up. Chop some fresh mint and mix all together.
Garnish w/ a skewer of fresh blueberries & a sprig of mint. Serve over ice.
Pretty & refreshing! Enjoy!
Sounding My Barbaric Gulp!