Brooklyn Flea

Sunday, we went to the Brooklyn Flea. A flea market that consists of vendors selling antiques & crafts & cottage industry food purveyors. It is located in a neighborhood that is on its way up, as most of Brooklyn is (more expensive real estate than Manhattan these days). It is in Fort Greene, which was a tough neighborhood at one time. My dad grew up in Brooklyn and is always amazed at the prices the brownstones sell for today.

Today, Brooklyn is filled with oodles of creative young people, artists and families. The flea market is a great addition to the neighborhood and the food takes center stage.
There were young entrepreneurs selling their homemade sandwiches, pastries, Mexican ices, amazing ricotta cheese on focaccia bread, and even a pickle guy named Rick's Picks. I tried the amazing egg salad tea sandwiches w/ cucumber & dill, also the roasted tomato, arugula & bacon from a 20 something couple called Papa Lima from Bedford St. in Brooklyn ($4. for a little pak of 4 tea sandwiches wrapped in wax paper.......very cool idea).

The place had a good vibe going. It was a hot day, and we didn't feel like hanging out with all the perishables on the pavement, so only checked it out for an hour.
Besides all the yummies I tried, I bought a vintage 1930's beautiful kimono to wear!


Anonymous said…
Great Info! Keep telling us all the good stuff there is to do and see!!
Anonymous said…
wish I had been with you for all the delicious fun!!! like the kimono too
Anonymous said…
Sta, I want to see your pretty face :).
I look forward to reading your blogg everyday. I love it!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
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