Yossy Arefi's Really Good Carrot Date Cake
I'm always searching for that perfect carrot cake.......it hasn't happened yet, but this one is pretty close. I love this one because it has dates vs raisins (though I love raisins in my cakes), and there is no need to ice it with that cream cheese icing (but it's ok, if you must). It is Yossi Arefi's recipe (with some twists from me) from her book S nacking Cakes . The only real changes I made were instead of the small amount of whole wheat flour (which I never have), I subbed in almond flour, and it was fine. I also used vegetable oil vs canola, and I upped the sugar amount (1/2 cup of sugar is not enough for me in a cake). ;) You can bake this in a cast iron skillet, or a springform pan, like I did. It's pretty adaptable. The Maldon sea salt on top is so good! Here is the recipe: Carrot Date Cake (adapted from Snacking Cakes ): zest of a lemon 3/4 cup sugar 2 eggs 3/4 cup of canola or vegetable oil 1 tsp cardamom 1 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp nutmeg 3/4 tsp ko...